We arrived at Road Atlanta from our respective origins of Danville Virginia and Valdosta Georgia on Wednesday. It was nice to see my "little man" again after several weeks. We checked in and shot the breeze for awhile, then played the ole switcheroo the motorcycles and equipment in the parking lot game, from one trailer to the other, as the hotel staff watched. We made our traditional trip to Wal-mart for supplies and general "aimless wondering through the aisles" routine.
Thursday we lined up in the staging area at the track and moved in at 12 noon sharp. The AMA staff was professional and helpful throughout the process, a much welcomed change from 2009. Setup was as usual and we finished early and left for the hotel and another trip to Wal-mart. Alex dined on food by the pound from the deli and I made my visit to the Sub-Way.

Friday morning the sun was shinning, the birds were singing and it was time to go to work. We struggled through the practice round, not quite sure why, but had the first qualifying session to get things sorted further. On the first lap of qualifying the lower radiator hose came loose while in a turn causing a highside which landed Alex on his head, Arai helmets are absolutely the best!. Somewhere throughout the tumbling he broke a bone in his foot and of course the bike not wanting to be outdone trashed itself with some tumbling of it's own. We were done for the day. Off to the urgent care center for some x-rays and confirmation of suspicions. Splint, crutches and back to the hotel to drop the "little man" off, then back to the track to start cleaning up the mess. Back at the hotel we took off the splint and packed the foot in ice all night long.

Saturday morning Andrew arrived from Jacksonville to help me crew. I had been at the track since 4 a.m. making sure all was right. Later that morning Alex managed to crutch over to the bike and qualify 27th, then back to the trailer and the ice. The first Daytona Sportbike race he managed a 23rd place. Back to the hotel and the ice.

Sunday started early for me again. We had a short practice session and off to the autograph session they went. We had light up pens to give the fans supplied by
Buztronics and they were a huge hit! Back to the trailer and more ice until it was time for the fan walk. The race was tough and Alex managed a 24th place which given the circumstances was a gift.

Thanks to Andrew for sticking it out with us and all the great help. Thanks to
Buztronics for the pens and
EBC for the Extreme Pro Pads.
Triangle Cycles you guys are awesome. Michael the motors are really strong!.
Arai, no doubt in our minds your helmets are the BEST!