A brave man passed away September 10th, 2009. On the 11th we awakened to a new day full of possibilities and hope because of his and the sacrifice of others like him. For this September 11th no buildings fell, no accounts of loved ones on cell phones saying helpless goodbyes forever, no planes at the Pentagon or in the fields of Pennsylvania. My daughter remembers his guidance and encouragement during that first West Point "right of passage" known as "beast". I have only seen his picture but am moved by the impact of his short journey on the "earthly trail". So little time, so well respected, such richness of spirit. I am saddened, I am thankful, I am awestruck and inspired, I am a better person because of you. For the emptiness which is your absence is quickly replaced by the feel of something grander, your example. Your honor, commitment and selflessness helps define our lives. The gift of standing tall as the flag waves and knowing that this country is and will remain free. The comfort, that though costly, we as a country will survive. To you Lieutenant Tyler E. Parten, United States Army, I give my sincerest gratitude and respect.......GO ARMY!!